Universe.. the new dream of mankind... Visit of the First Hungarian Astronaut in our company

Visit of Mr Farkas Bertalan the First Hungarian Astronaut in our company

There was a big event in the life of our company... Mr Farkas Bertalan who is the First Hungarian Astronaut and a very honored and popular person has attended a visit in Euroil Budapest Office. The day of his visit was a bright and memorable day in the life and heart of our colleagues...

High pressure natural gas pipeline big river crossing is realized

High pressure natural gas pipeline big river crossing designed by Euroil is successfully realized ...

High pressure natural gas pipeline big river crossing designed by Euroil is successfully realized by a high skilled specialised Hungarian company on the Danube river near to Mohacs city in the Southern Hungary region. We are happy because of their success!

Visit of State Nuclear Baoti Zirconium Industry Company (SPIC) in Euroil

Visit of State Nuclear Baoti Zirconium Industry Company (SPIC) in Euroil

We received the team of State Nuclear Baoti Zirconium Industry Company( SNZ) (SPIC) in our Budapest Office. The China based company is an important supplier for our international nuclear project. In case if you would like to have more information about SNZ company, you can visit their website: In case if you would like to have more information about SPIC company, you can visit their website:

Djabe & Steve Hackett concert in Budapest....

Our colleague is a big fun of the art of the world famous musician Steve Hackett ...

Our collegaue had a possibility to participate on the the very succesfule concert of Djabe jazz-rock band & Steve Hackett in Budapest Jazz Club

High pressure natural gas pipeline big river crossing engineering

High pressure national network natural gas pipeline big river crossing engineering is under going ...

High pressure national network natural gas pipeline big river crossing engineering is under going as part of several projects concerning the rehabilitation of natural high pressure natural gas transmission pipeline system...

Our participation in international nuclear energy projects (03) ... (Construction of new nuclear research reactor)

Our participation in international nuclear energy projects (03) ... (Construction of new nuclear research reactor)

We are participating in the international nuclear energy project concerning the construction of new nuclear research reactor via design, manufacturing, supply and installation supervision of a special equipment for the reactor.

Possible New Business Direction "Indonesia"

Possible New Business Direction "Indonesia"

We are working on the opening of new business possibilities for our company on the very attractive big market of Indonesia. We are happy that we could participate on a meeting with the Indonesian Official Delegation during their visit in Hungary...

Our participation in international nuclear energy projects (02) ... (construction of new NPP)

Our participation in international nuclear energy projects (02) ... (construction of new NPP)

We are participating in international nuclear energy projects of construction of new NPP-s which are located both on the seaside and both in the mainland area via carrying out some kind of technical examinations

Bay Zoltán Research Institute _ Euroil Agreement concerning "Development of Complex Analysis and Evaluation Method Module of Image Preparing Examinations of Metallic Materials"

Bay Zoltán Research Institute _ Euroil Agreement concerning "Development of Complex Analysis and Evaluation Method Module of Image Preparing Examinations of Metallic Materials"

Bay Zoltán Research Institute and Euroil concluded an Agreement concerning "Development of Complex Analysis and Evaluation Method Module of Image Preparing Examinations of Metallic Materials" and for the implementation of it into the "Euris's Laboratory Information Management System. Remarks: - "Euris" is the Global Information System of Euroil _ for more information about Bay Zoltán Research Instute see:

Our participation in international nuclear energy projects (01) ... (maintenance of existing NPP)

We are participating in international energy projects (01) (maintenance of existing NPP)

We are active in the participation of international energy projects by carrying out some kind of technical examinations ...

Euroil's welding competency development project

Euroil's welding competency development project

We have a new complex project for the development of welding competency of our company. The project includes among others, the upgrading of technological processes, strengthening of welding related human competencies, etc. The company has a new team of engineers including five members with certified welding joints evaluation authorization.

Consultation Event of Euroil and students of Miskolc University about training positions

Introduction of Euroil's activities and consultation about training position opportunities of the MSC and PhD students of Miskolc University at Euroil company

Theres was a Consultation Event organized by the Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsFaculty of Miskolc University concerning the training opportunities at Euroil company with paticipations of lecturers, MSC and PhD students of Miskolc University and Euroil's specialists. In case if you would like to have more information about it, please see:

Excursion into the big 3D world.

Excursion into the big 3D world.

We invite you to do an excursion into the universe of 3D models. Please look around
Euroil Vision Studio Videos
Euroil Vision Studio Playlist

Participation on the inaguration of the "KOMONDOR" supercomputer in Debrecen, Hungary

Activity of Euroil in the "Virtual Reality" and in the world of "Extended Reality"

Many of plants can be found in the Euroil's "Virtual Reality " and in the world of Euroil"s "Extended Reality". Some examples were shown in the Exhibition of Inaguration Event of the "KOMONDOR" supercomputer in city Debrecen, Hungary

Kollégáink részt vettek az ESA konferencián Párizsban



„…a szupergépnek köszönhetően megváltozik maga a mérnöki munkafolyamat.” – EUROIL interjú


Djabe - The Magic Stag album release concert was supported by EUROIL

Our company has been a supporter of Djabe, the eMeRTon- and Golden Giraffe Award-winning Hungarian band, for more than ten years. Between January 2019 and June 2020, Djabe made a new studio album called The Magic Stag. The album release concert was supported by EUROIL.

Learn more

Participation in a new big project....

participation in a new big project...

Participation in a new big project

A prize

A prize ...

A prize ...

A prize (2. part)

A prize (2. part)

A prize (2. part)

Handover Ceremony

Plant handover Event

Our collegaues attended the event...

DJABE Concert

DJABE Concert

To learn more about this event visit the following links:


Velekei the great Hungarian contemporary artist died 5 five years before

To learn more about the artist:
Művészvilág - Velekei József

symbiosis festival 2019

symbiosis festival 2019

SZIMBIÓZIS cultural anthropological festival with the support of Euroil

The SZIMBIÓZIS NAPOK Cultural Anthropological Festival was organized 13th time on May 11-12, 2018 at the Három Holló Cultural Center. Those interested can get acquainted with the material and spiritual culture of remote peoples and communities in our neighborhood through diverse programs: lifestyle, knowledge, art, tales, games. There are many kinds of lectures, discussions, creative workshops, exhibitions, movies and music programs. Our company is a long time supporter of this outstanding cultural event.

To learn more about this event visit the following links:





By realization of this project we would like to develop further simulation of complex power distribution, oil and gas facility systems, as a part of technical design work of our company, considering the huge computational and storage capacity requirements. Our company prepares calculations, 3D designs and documentation for significant investments on the field of energetics at international level. The implementation of this project helps us to be involved both in further simulation development and simulation computation tasks by our foreign customers.


The project is planned to be completed: 31 October 2015.

Contribution amount: 41.43 million HUF (30%)

Participation in Engineering of a CCGT Power Plant in Australia ..

Participation in Engineering of a CCGT Power Plant in Australia (3)..

.Outside of the coninent...

Participation in Engineering of a CCGT Power Plant in Australia (1)...

Participation in Engineering of a CCGT Power Plant in Australia (1)...

Participation in Engineering of a CCGT Power Plant in Australia (1)... Interesting project...

Participation in Engineering of a CCGT Power Plant in Australia (2)...

Participation in Engineering of a CCGT Power Plant in Australia (2)... Beautiful, big nature of the project location region...

Participation in Engineering of a CCGT Power Plant in Australia (1)... Beautiful, big nature of the project location region...

Mongolian oil industry downstream development strategy study 5...

Mongolian oil industry downstream development strategy study 5...

Word famous person of Mongolian history Jingis Khan....

Mongolian oil industry downstream development strategy study 4...

Mongolian oil industry downstream development strategy study 4...

Mongolia today...

Mongolian oil industry downstream development strategy study 3...

Mongolian oil industry downstream development strategy study 3.

the upstream is going on...

Mongolian oil industry downstream development strategy study 2...

Mongolian oil industry downstream development strategy study 2...

another member of our team

Mongolian oil industry downstream development strategy study 1...

Mongolian oil industry downstream development strategy study 1...

one of the Mongolian oilfields